HPNL Inc is an advocacy group partnering with government and non-government organisations, land owners, developers and concerned citizens to create a world class Nature Link connecting critical wildlife habitats from Healesville to Phillip Island.
Our Mission
To create a bio-link of national significance connecting three of Victoria’s iconic ecotourism attractions (Healesville Sanctuary, Puffing Billy and Phillip Island Nature Parks) via natural corridors on public and private land.
The HPNL is designed to mitigate threats to our natural and cultural assets including some of our most loved and iconic plants, animals and places. These threats include; climate change, habitat destruction, and exotic pest animals.
What We've Achieved… so far
Facilitated workshops, strategic plan and video produced
Working with Melbourne Water, Councils and PPWPCMA to implement sections of the Nature Link
Creative Workshop
Website, Facebook and Instagram initiated and ongoing
Survey work and plantings on Cardinia Creek and Yallock Creek
Steering committee has become an incorporated organisation